Art Of Public Speaking Lucas 11th Pdf Download

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NOTE: It is hoped that this exercise will bevaried and expanded until the pupil has gained considerablemastery of imaginative narration. (See chapter on“Narration.”)11. Experiments have proved that the majorityof people think most vividly in terms of visual images.However, some think more readily in terms of auditoryand motor images.

It is a good plan to mix allkinds of images in the course of your address foryou will doubtless have all kinds of hearers.This plan will serve to give variety and strengthenyour effects by appealing to the several senses ofeach hearer, as well as interesting many differentauditors. For exercise, ( a) give severaloriginal examples of compound images, and ( b)construct brief descriptions of the scenes imagined.For example, the falling of a bridge in process ofbuilding.12. Read the following observantly:The strikers suffered bitterpoverty last winter in New York. Last winter a woman visiting the EastSide of New York City saw another woman comingout of a tenement house wringing her hands. Uponinquiry the visitor found that a child had faintedin one of the apartments. She entered, andsaw the child ill and in rags, while the father,a striker, was too poor to provide medical help.A physician was called and said the child had faintedfrom lack of food.

The Art Of Public Speaking 11th Edition

The only food in the home wasdried fish. The visitor provided groceriesfor the family and ordered the milkman to leavemilk for them daily. A month later she returned.The father of the family knelt down before her, andcalling her an angel said that she had saved theirlives, for the milk she had provided was all thefood they had had.In the two preceding paragraphs we have substantiallythe same story, told twice. In the first paragraphwe have a fact stated in general terms.

In thesecond, we have an outline picture of a specific happening.Now expand this outline into a dramatic recital, drawingfreely upon your imagination. FOOTNOTES:Footnote 29: Inquiries into Human Faculty.Footnote 30: Consult any good rhetoric.An unabridged dictionary will also be of help.Footnote 31: For a full discussion of the formsee, The Art of Story-Writing, by J. Berg Esenweinand Mary D. Chambers. CHAPTER XXVIIGROWING A VOCABULARYBoys flying kites haul intheir white winged birds;You can’t do that waywhen you’re flying words.“Careful with fire,”is good advice we know,“Careful with words,”is ten times doubly so.Thoughts unexpressed manysometimes fall back dead;But God Himself can’tkill them when they’re said.—­WILL CARLETON, The First Settler’sStory.

Art Of Public Speaking Lucas 11th Pdf Download

The art of public speaking Pdf by Dale Carnegie, Joseph Berg Esenwein is Cosimo Classics Personal Development. The efficacy of a book resembles that of a guy, in one major aspect: its attitude toward its topic is the initial supply of its own power.


A publication might be filled with great ideas well voiced, but when its author views his topic from the incorrect angle his outstanding information might turn out to be ineffective. In case the perfect way to educate oneself or other people to speak effectively in public would be to fill the brain with principles, and also to put up adjusted standards for the translation of idea, the utterance of speech, the creating of expressions, and the rest. This book is going to be restricted in value to these stray thoughts during its pages as will prove useful to the reader as an attempt to apply a set of principles it has to be reckoned a failure, since it’s then untrue. It’s of some significance, so, to people who consume this quantity together with open mind they ought to see clearly in the outside −begin what’s the notion that in once underlies and can be builder during this arrangement. Quite simply it’s this: Coaching in public speaking isn’t an issue of externals mainly; it isn’t an issue of imitation basically; it isn’t a matter of conformity to criteria in any way.

Public speaking is public utterance, people issuance, of the individual himself; hence the first thing in time and in significance is that the guy ought to be and feel and think things which are worthy of being awarded. Unless there be some thing of significance inside, no hints of instruction can make of this talker anything greater than a system albeit a highly researched system for the delivery of other people’s products. So self−growth is essential in our strategy.

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